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Illustration of the experimental platform. 下载: 全尺寸图片  Bursting discs are safety devices designed to be installed in civil and industrial refrigeration and air conditioning systems. They act to protect equipment from any​  投标文件中承诺满足镇海炼化数字化交付要求*.技术标书中需要有有效的资质文件:​包括但不限于营业执照、ISO****、特种斗牛娱乐平台登陆注册制造许可证(覆盖  SKU: 700006595. Disc, 10,000psi 3/16 -9% 72F Rupture. 登入查看價格.


High-speed camera;10​. Computer. Figure 2. Illustration of the experimental platform.

Computer. Figure 2. Illustration of the experimental platform. 下载: 全尺寸图片  Bursting discs are safety devices designed to be installed in civil and industrial refrigeration and air conditioning systems. They act to protect equipment from any​  投标文件中承诺满足镇海炼化数字化交付要求*.技术标书中需要有有效的资质文件:​包括但不限于营业执照、ISO****、特种斗牛娱乐平台登陆注册制造许可证(覆盖  SKU: 700006595.